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Thank you for stopping by! I sincerely appreciate your time. You will find here an abundance of words for your edification. I write much, not necessarily because I enjoy being verbose. Rather, I recognize that it is helpful to be thorough, especially as words can be easily misinterpreted based on personal and individual connotations. I cannot account for the interpretations one may conclude with upon reading but I can account for how I communicate my intent. My intent is in your best interest, and your best interest is that which God has for you! With that said, please do carry on and be edified!


If you've frequented this web address in previous times, you'll notice there've been periodic changes. Many of these are reflective of my growth, change in motives, and desires. My initial intention with this domain was to have a personal website "showcasing" my accomplishments along with blog posts that so happened to be "Christian." I'll explain more about the latter soon. I felt then that, at least professionally, it was a reasonable approach on my part: in having my platform and in being intentional about who, how, and why I connected with people. I recognize that underlying that motivation was an air of self-importance. I've come a long way since then and have separated myself from that motive. My desires for sharing through blog though were guided by sincere motives. At the time, I had begun honestly seeking God and was encountering legitimate learning experiences and beginning to see Him. Yet, I wasn't fully renewed unto His ways, and I recognize that there were areas of hypocrisy I had been oblivious to. I cringe now at the fact that even with sincere motives, I was not representing in all capacities who I professed to believe in, nor His standard. I cringe because I was sincerely wrong and may have brought reproach on the name of Christ or caused someone to err by my lack of diligence and understanding then.

Now, I live by the faith and righteousness of Christ, not my ideas or standards. Now, having been set free from those and walking in newness according to His lovely ways, I want to take vengeance on past hypocrisy and unrighteousness. Even though I was growing in knowing God and His conviction, my unintentional hypocrisy was a result of a lack of application of God's truth in all areas of my life. Simply put, there were areas in which I had only intellectual acknowledgment but not wisdom. I needed to be scrutinized first in the light of His truth. Once that began, my change occurred seemingly rapidly, though based on a sustained period of seeking God and having my mind transform and be renewed. Wisdom became the principal thing when the knowledge I had acquired through seeking Him and learning from Him became translated into action. I began to see God for who He is and to hold myself accountable to this reality. I fell in love after meeting Love Himself. I became filled with His Holy Spirit and matured in discerning God's good from this world's "good." Consequently, I quickly came to expect of myself and others that which God expects of us. l recognize that some, due to limited interactions with me, recall only former things. While some perceive only clamor and religious zeal. There are others near who know how deep and complete of a regeneration I've experienced in the Lord and how I continue therein. And this I know, I'm not who I was nor will I ever be.

Purpose of this site?

The Christianity many know now, in many aspects, is based on the ideologies of man and contrary to the faith and righteous life of Jesus Christ that He calls us all to. I desire to encourage all people everywhere to repent from their sins and turn to God, learn His ways, and truly come to terms with who He is and who He created us to be. I have turned away from my sins unto God. I have had to learn from God and still do in weighing my actions, desire, and will by what He says is right. It has taken death to self and daily carrying my cross for that which is real righteousness and justice. I no longer live by what is convenient and feels right to me nor by society's perspective and expectations. Not even my family's and those well-intentioned. I live by what the Lord says is right, and I have true freedom in this by the power of the Holy Spirit and by my conscious decisions daily. I continue learning and doing from God what pleases Him. It is in loving God and the excellency of His right ways that I can love others genuinely and seek their best interest.

I've since learned that Holiness is the spiritual and physical lifestyle of a true follower of Christ, and without Holiness, no one will see God. I want to encourage you to seek Christ outside of the institutions, dramatics, and chaos of man-made organizations/ideologies/religions and to find Him where the Spirit of God and the Holy people of God dwell. I want to encourage you to be reconciled with God through Christ not by doing your dead works of relative goodness but rather by doing His true and living works of perfect love and righteousness in all things. And this, He equips us to do when we commit ourselves to Him and grow to know Him personally. I want you to know the epitome of perfect love, liberty, and wholeness in Christ--to become as He is, in conformity to God's vision for you. I want you to know a Father is waiting with His hands outstretched wanting to deliver you, to make you His child so that you too can establish His government and righteousness here on earth by your life and with every decision you make. Reconciliation in His Truth and Love is the purpose of this site, my friend.

We have been offered the opportunity to reconcile with God through Christ in whom all things consist, and to live in Him who is the fullness and embodiment of all virtues and good. We have the opportunity to be as God is and to do that which He does! Isn't this marvelous?